Large Water Storage Jar from Sumatra
Regular price $785.00
19th Century Portuguese Terra Cotta Oil Jar with Markings
Regular price $1,200.00
Large 19th Century Cretetian Terra Cotta Oil Jar
Regular price $1,600.00
Gigantic Late 19th Century Impruneta Terra Cotta Italian Pots
Regular price $2,900.00
Large 19th Century Cretan Terra Cotta Oil Jar
19th Century Peleoponisian Jar
Regular price $1,400.00
Large Three Banded Terra Cotta Pots from Sumba
Regular price $290.00
Large Portuguese Terra Cotta Oil Jar with Markings
Regular price $1,100.00
Extra Large 18th Century Peloponnesian Terra Cotta Olive Oil Jar
Regular price $4,500.00
Monumental Impruneta Terra Cotta Italian Pot from the Late 19th Century
19th Century Terra Cotta Cretian Oil Jar
Ancient French Biot Pot with a Rounded Bottom & Beautiful Patina
19th Century Terra Cotta Olive Oil Portuguese Oil Jar
19th Century Peloponnesian Oil Jar
Early Eighteenth Century French Amorphous Stoneware Salt Pot
Regular price $950.00
Early 18th Century French Amorphous Stoneware Salt Pot
Large Italian Lemon Tree Pot (As-is)
Very Large Shallow Decorated Terracotta Pot from Java
Regular price $850.00